Sunday, June 26, 2016

Speeding Up a Slow Website: Things to Do

In today's world everything has to happen fast in order for it to be considered as efficient; We as a society depend heavily on more MBPS and quick loading screen times to suit our needs. However when it comes down to creating your own website there seems to be many ways to customize a page but clog the page as easily. Every oversized picture or cluster of unorganized HTTP coding will slow your site down dramatically and studies have shown that anything more than a 1 second delay in loading is going to have a heavy impact on your site's views.

Software Systems or Websites will go through several tests before being made available to the general public. While there are several different forms of Performance testing available there is one that addresses the more basic of needs to these System's successes. 
Load Testing is the answer. Load testing falls under the most common uses of Performance testing that essentially makes sure that a program or website will work the way that it's designed to work. Optimally it's best used to ensure that your project will be able to handle at it's anticipated worst such as peak traffic hours or just realistic stress standards in general. This test will be essential in pinpointing what might be slowing down your website and thus will allow a solution to be made available to you.
However it's easily confused with Stress Testing where your website is put through the most brutal tests of highly unrealistic standards all in order to find how much it can take before completely breaking. It may seem rather pointless to put something through so much stress but the point is not to just test the limits of your software but to also ensure that when it does break, it does so cleanly. However it's cautioned that without proper preparation, Load Testing could easily become Stress testing. Some tools like this may be able to perform both load testing and stress testing.

Both forms of testing can be useful for ensuring the success of your website and there are many tools available, both programs and online forums, to aid in your Load Testing needs. 

Monday, June 20, 2016

What Are The Benefits of Load Testing?

If you want to know just how far your computing device or software system can go, then you will want to do load testing. This type of testing will help you to see how far you can push your system before it breaks. It is important that you do this testing if you want to know that your computing device is something that you can rely on. You won't want to be in the middle of doing something only to have it break down on you. So make sure to do the load testing right away. Check it for when you are doing normal things on the device, and then push it hard, to see how it will react when you are doing more than what you do on the average day.

There are many benefits to load testing, and the fact that once you get done you will be able to rely on the system that you are counting on is the best reason to do it. You should be testing this once in a while, so that you can always know that it your device will be there for you like it should be. And, if it fails its test, then you will be glad that you have done this, so that you can fix the problem. It is a good thing to stay on top of this, so that you can always be keeping your device up to date and running in the best way.

Testing like this is a very good thing, and you are going to be glad that you have done it once you are through with it. You will be glad that you were smart enough to stay on top of things if you realize that there is a problem with your device, or if you see that things are going good, and that you have nothing to worry about. There are benefits of this type of testing, and they include peace of mind, getting problems taken care of quickly, and being able to use your device any time and to count on it. 

In terms of the software that allows for load testing there are two options: free and paid. If you're comfortable with setup time and things of that nature, you could probably use Apache JMeter. If you're looking for an all-in-one solution, you could use LoadView (official site). It's really up to you in terms of what you'd like to do and what your budget allows for.